本中心介紹 Introduction
設立宗旨 Purpose of Establishment
Provide the students of on-the-job advanced course with various related services in teaching and academic affairs
In line with national policies and development direction of school affairs, plan and implement various promotional education courses
使命: 培養優秀的健康照顧、養生人才。
Mission: To cultivate excellent talents in health care.
願景: 邁向卓越教學之健康照顧養生先鋒。
Vision: Work hard in excellent teaching, and be a pioneer in health care.
價值: 鼓勵終身學習,以顧客服務為導向。
Value: Encourage lifelong learning and be customer service oriented.
策略: Strategy:
1.採配套分段進修,學習減壓、課程加值以提升服務品質。Take supporting segmental training, learning to reduce stress, and bonus courses to improve service quality.
議之腦力激盪。Plan the overall development direction and strategy: through brainstorming discussion in regular monthly center meetings and non-regular meetings.
3.增進教學成效,激發教師創意及教學熱誠、積極拓展建教及產合作Improve teaching effectiveness, stimulate teachers' creativity and teaching enthusiasm, and expand education and industry cooperation actively
交流空間。Draw up a blueprint through the campus planning research mechanism: plan dynamic extracurricular activities, and teachers ’interaction.
課程,增進推廣教育效能。Encourage colleagues in innovative thinking and ideas to work together to seek funding from various departments outside the school and set up employment courses to enhance the effectiveness of promotional education.
服務情操。Plan and implement humanistic literacy development courses or activities, participate in social and community services, and establish caring, service sentiment.
組織概況 Organization Profile
‧進修教育組─辦理推廣教育學分班之規劃、開班、授課、結業等相關事宜Continue education group - handling matters related to the planning, opening, teaching, and completion of credit classes for promotional education
.推廣服務組─辦理推廣教育非學分班之規劃、開班、授課、結業等相關事宜Promotion Service Group - Handling matters related to the planning, opening, teaching, and completion of non-credit classes for promotional education
服務特色 Service Features
Provide high-quality medical promotional education courses to enhance the professional knowledge of medical staff
In response to the needs of the child care market, undertake various training courses for child welfare professionals commissioned by the Social Bureau
In line with the lifelong learning needs of the community, various practical courses on medical care and health care are offered
未來重點業務 Future key business
In response to business needs, reorganize the organizational structure and department management
Actively evaluate and improve various operating procedures to enhance business efficiency
‧配合校務發展重點及新系所之成立,開發符合本校特色與社會需求之 推廣課程
In line with the school's development priorities and the establishment of new departments, develop promotional courses that meet the school's characteristics and social needs